Tuesday, August 19, 2008


First set of correct answers wins champ. Answers posted tomorrow!

1.What current state contains an island settled by the Russians in 1784?

2.What sport did the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame play in 1925?

3.Inside what do peas grow in their seeds?

4.Who was the third American President to be assassinated?

5. Who said, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American voter."?

6.Name the country singer and sister to Loretta Lynn who had a hit with "Don't it Make My Brown Eyes Blue".

7. Name the inquisitive character whose books are among Forrest Gump's favorites.

8.Name the largest of the great lakes.

9.Who is the self-described "Painter of Light"?

10. Who was Mia Farrow's husband when she made Rosemary's Baby?

Taken from the game The Perfect 10.

1 comment:

PsycheofAphrodite said...

2.college football
4.William McKinley
5.H.L. Mencken
6.Crystal Gayle
7.Curious George
8.Lake Superior
9.Thomas Kincalde
10.Frank Sinatra