Monday, August 18, 2008

The Delicate Cuisine of The Hem: Scrapple

Fry up a pig put it in a can.... scrapple
Fry up a pig put it in a can.... scrapple
Yes I am a scrapple man
I think I'll have another can
Fry up a pig put it in a can.... scrapple

This little blurb from the Xbox game Wacked is very funny because we've never personally seen scrapple in a can. If anyone has, please feel free to tell us! To the outsider scrapple can seem disgusting. Scrapple is a native Pennsylvanian food. If you grew up in Pennsylvania or in an area close to PA (WOO BALTIMORE!) you may have tried it. It's basically pig "scraps" that have been made into a gelatinous brick. Here are some ingredients in the scrapple package above: water, cornmeal, pork livers, pork skins, pork jowls, pork hearts, and buckwheat flour. Alot of the scrapple that we've tried as also had some hair mixed in there. Even with these ingredients, this food has become a breakfast staple for one reason....IT TASTES AMAZING! It has a sort of sausage taste (the best sausage you've ever tasted taste). The best type of scrapple has a crunchy outside and a mushy inside. It's something everyone should at least try once in their life. Sadly, we realize that it's not possible for all of you kind readers to get your hands on such a beautiful food. With this sad fact stated, we're bringing the scrapple to you! Come and get it!
Step 1- Cover the bottom of your pan in oil (we used veggie oil) and let it warm up.

Step 2: Open the package of scrapple and try not to breathe in. The smell gets better as it is cooking!

Step 3: Cut into medium sized slices and fry. Remove when both sides are brown.

Step 4: Cover a plate in paper towels to blot out any grease. Stack scrapple on plate and EAT IT UP! For a Philly favorite, cover it with maple syrup!

Here's another way to serve scrapple! We give it a "D" in presentation and an "A" in taste!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!